The view that wheelchairs are restrictive is an example of ignorant and regressive thinking. This is because in some ways, wheelchairs can be liberating for those who would otherwise have been robbed of their ability to live their lives. Life is all about perspective and ‘how you take it’. You may not be able to always change your circumstances and the fact that you are in a wheelchair could be a given, based on a medical condition or health problems or perhaps some accident. But you can certainly change your response to the fact that you are in a wheelchair and look for ways and means to make your life more enjoyable, productive and a help to others too.
There are many ways in which people who are in wheelchairs can make their lives a little easier as well as more comfortable. There could also be some solutions that are not too expensive or extensive, and yet could go a long way in ensuring that one gets the advantage of modern technology and innovative inventions. Take for example the case of a cup holder for a power wheelchair, which is an innovation which bring about a great deal of convenience for people in wheelchairs.
Wheelchair users would like to have some comfort and convenience in handling cups and other kinds of containers that they use for consumption of beverages. Such people can easily sip some coffee, or a cold drink to break the monotony and quench their thirst. Sometimes they can also keep some snacks in the cup holder, if beverages are not what they exactly fancy. All of this can be done with the minimum of fuss and in a very tidy manner if proper cup holders are used.
Using drink holders is a cinch, if one were to make use of the latest Velcro fasteners which make it so easy to keep the cup holders in place properly. You do not have to keep fumbling with the cup holder.
Do look at the many cup holder websites to get details of the various kinds of wheelchair cup holders that are available. You will be quite surprised at the huge range that you get.
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