There is a growing need, and trend, for stroller cup holders. As space in cars, garages, or any other general sotrage becomes more and more limited, parents are opting out of the large travel system type strollers for more compact and smaller ones. One of the luxuries they often have to give up, is a drink holder. I admit I’ve had to shy a few consumers away, as our product does not work on strollers, but I have helped them start a more targetted search in this one of a kind niche market. If you search “stroller cup holder” on Google, eBay, or Amazon, you find the same basic function, in a unique and wide variety of products. The way some attach are very original ideas, and when I encounter other consumers that our product isn’t a good fit for, I tend to suggest them looking at a few stroller drink holder models. I’ve even noticed that besides being very creative inventions, stroller cup holders are some of the cheaper products in the beverage holder category.
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