Cup holders have become part and parcel of automobiles in this day and age. In fact these cup holders have become a common comfort giving device in almost all cars today. People gain some pleasure in sipping their favorite beverage from cups held in cup holders which implies that cup holders have become quite significant in contemporary automobiles.
Cup holders have a lower supporting area that gets folded, and also a ratcheting arm that is able to keep in place cup holders of various sizes. Many of these are located at the ends of the instrument panel in close proximity to outboard vents. Cup holders assume importance on account of the fact that most meals are accompanied by beverages and people need to support the cups that hold these beverages. While some of these may be large enough to hold even a large Starbucks coffee cup, sometimes only one side of the cup is held by the lower leg with the other end being perched quite precariously.
Cup holders can have straight or even wedge shaped arms in order to afford a customized beverage holding plan. They are mostly preferred by Americans, with Europeans being not too keen on these. In fact Europeans would not even miss it if there were no cup holder in the car, which is reflected in car design in Europe which often gives cup holders a skip. Cup holders are generally designed to stay well out of view and quite unobtrusive too.
People who drink hot beverages while traveling are well advised to ensure that they have drink holders in place, as it acts as not only a convenience but also a safety device. After all, having hot coffee or tea being spilt on yourself is not a pretty or a secure picture. Cup holders can be used in host of settings and purposed, be it in planes, or in beaches or lounge chairs. While many of these are used to hold hot beverages, you can very well hold cold drinks in these too.
Cup holders can come in metallic finish with satin aluminum or some such material. It can easily be folded and held together by Velcro Straps, which are used to release the cup holder by removing it from the armrest. These holders are also available in various sizes, dimensions, designs and layouts as well as depth and diameters.
Some of the first cup holders in the US started appearing in Minivans in the 1980s. Since then, cup holders have become quite a rage and as a matter of fact, some of the largest number of cup holders is found in minivans. It is quite true that in this day and age, cup holders have become an integral and quite indispensable part of the North American motoring story.
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