If the newly formed coalition Dutch government has its say, the cannabis cafes of Amsterdam could become out of bounds for foreigners. In that scenario, dieci, which includes 10 power packed espresso shots into a single cup, invented by a coffee shop owner in America could become a great alternative. A caffeine intake of such a high intensity could prove very dangerous for those with a weak heart. On the other hand this gigantic serving of coffee could be a great solution for the problem commonly faced by coffee aficionados. When the caffeine count is indeed in demand, they don’t have to wait between successive strong doubles for a long time to get their dosage and put it in their cup holder.
This comes as an interesting piece of information especially when Starbucks, the king of coffee bean counters in the food and beverage industry has announced that it would slow down the speed of dispensations in the US. This announcement from Barista is as a response to growing criticism that the beverages are being served very hurriedly these days robbing the coffee of taste to a certain extent. Another option for those coffee drinkers who want to multi-task with coffee in their drink holder and yet get great servings of coffee served to them, India turns out to be a great option, where coffees are becoming a very profitable business and are getting a new elevated status.
The energizing effect offered by the coffee beans has never been in doubt. Caffeine has also been removed from the WADA list of banned substances. Therefore the concoction from the Brooklyn barista could also find a great market in the sports arena or among popular wheelchair accessories. In fact, it could be so performance enhancing that one can call caffeine a sip and sprint beverage. Caffeine has been proved to offer sub maximal muscular activity making it perfect for chess players and marathon runners. Sustained low intensity activity could also be assisted by caffeine.