Cup holders are a fairly standard convenience in almost every automobile made today. Though they are a relatively simple part of any automobile, they have become almost a necessity for any driver. Cup holders are such special things allowing you to enjoy your time in any car. They are made for people who enjoy driving and at the same time can’t imagine their lives without a sip of hot coffee or tea. Cup holders are very important.
Cup holders are found at either end of the instrument panel near the outboard vents, and sometimes feature a folding lower support and ratcheting arm that hold various cup shapes and sizes in place. While large enough for a Starbucks Venti Double Mocha Latte, the cup holder’s lower leg supports only one side of the cup; allowing it to tip precariously toward the driver’s or passenger’s leg. These cup holders are not at all convenient to use, being a waste in some cars. Cup holders themselves are actually important. Every meal is commonly accompanied by a beverage.
Cup holders are designed to stay out of sight until needed. Choose straight or wedge-shaped arms, easy to create your own customized beverage holding plan. Cup holders are but one trivial detail of course, and most Europeans don’t consider them necessary, but on the American front we love to have them. Cup holders are an American thing, most European car designers don’t bother.
Cup holders are also a safety device. Hot liquids carried on a wheelchair or scooter user’s lap is highly dangerous. Cup holders are a definite necessity on any beach or lounge chair (great for holding cold beverages). Another essential feature is that the chair be foldable. Not to mention the fact that cup holders are great while traveling on an airplane.
Cup holders for cars are available in many combinations of cup layouts, rim designs, depth dimensions and diameter sizes. One-piece units can come standard in a satin aluminum or other metal finishes. Our unit however comes in black plastic, including two Velcro straps and two foam pads. To release the cup holder, simply unlatch the Velcro straps, removing them from around the armrest. Then pull the cup holder off of the armrest.
Built-in cup holders began to be available in the 1980s. Minivans were pioneers in their availability, and they still offer the greatest number of them. Some earlier models involved trays that folded out of the dashboard. This was not a viable option for cars in motion. Through time and necessity the cup holder has become a staple in North American auto manufacturing and design.
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