If you ask most people as to what they think has been the most significant travel development in the last century, most will say it is air travel. And there is no doubt about this as air travel has indeed shrunk distances and made far off lands and countries quite accessible. People now talk of intercontinental travel as they would talk about intra-country travel and all of this has been made possible by means of the airplane. This has also seen a great spurt in business and pleasure travel as people are able to roam around the world at will.
One of the great enablers in terms of air travel has been the prices which have gone down to a great deal (i.e. cheapest airline tickets or Last minute travel). Gone are the days when only celebrities and top officials or business men used to travel by air because it used to be prohibitively expensive for others. Now air travel has become quite an egalitarian process where common people are also able to travel by air with élan. There is no doubt that in the coming years, as the world shrinks further, air travel will become even more popular around the globe.
When it comes to zipping through the air in a plane, a lot of people love to consume beverages of all kinds. In some airlines, even alcoholic drinks are allowed and people can enjoy sips of their favorite wines and spirits. In this context, there is great utility in getting to use cup holders in planes so that these can support glasses and cups and prevent any messiness or untidiness while drinking these liquids. One would certainly not like to be messy when it comes to air travel, which still consists of a certain genteel set of manners in the air.
One can easily fasten cup holders to plane armrests or perhaps the back of the seat ahead. This is possible using special Velcro technology that makes usage of such cup holders quite a cinch.
Most airlines are very responsive to customer feedback and suggestions. If you find that your favorite airline has missed providing cup holders, do make it a point to bring it to their notice. If they are responsive enough, they will surely take note of your needs and make amends to correct the situation. For the business traveler who would prefer to use her laptop while also consuming a beverage, airline armrest cup holders are available, and typing “airplane cup holder” into any search engine can lead you to some creative new products.
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I think he would be fighting comparable fighters in the UFC…
Many thanks for doing this! Fantastic!