2 New Cup Holder Articles…

We’ve had two new articles published on Ezinearticles.com. The first is similar to a post or two here, but it discusses how the cup holder came to be included in car’s interior design. Pretty interesting story as far as drink olders go, so check it out if you’re interested. Click here. The second article is…

Wheelchair Luxury without Cup Holders?

Wheelchairs have revolutionized the mobility of people that need them. The basic design of the wheelchair has come a long way. That is a great thing with the latest wheelchairs being motorized and custom designed. You can get a luxury wheelchair for folks that like the outdoors. Some are lighter and designed to make inside…

Common Cup Holder Endeavors

The history of modern civilization is replete with such inventions that seem just so intuitive in today’s world that we cannot help but wonder how humanity managed to survive before their discovery. Today I will talk about one such accessory that has become such an indispensible part of our lives that we take its existence…

Drink Holders for the Fan.

Like going to the movies, most sports venues haves a drink holder at the end of the armrest. Others might not. When out on a date with someone new, or your spouse, the event might be so close, that you lose control springing to your feet cheering. A cup holder would be useful in this…